Holidays..holidays…holidays…i just love it!but it can sumtimes turn sumone bored if you don’t plan your activities properly.just like me..i Don’t even have plans…i just go with the flow..n have last minute plans.nevertheless..i will definitely enjoy it..last two weeks i was at my cousin sister house when i came down to kL.Stayed there for few days..but i enjoyed myself tremendously. I enjoyed playing with my niece,Suchlyn.She is such an adorable baby. I also enjoyed talking to my cousin sister whom I did not meet 4 the past 1year.learn about life a lot from her.The way how a wife should be and etc.then i even enjoyed the view of genting n twin tower from her apartment. It was superb!and we(myself,mycousin sis and my niece will go for a walk by the pool at her apartment. It was simply a relaxing day after such a nice walk.hmm..here comes the sad part of all.the day that i got to pack my bag to leave to klang with my cousin bro.Hmm..i was sad because i missed all the fun i had with my cute niece and my beautiful cousin. And not forgetting my brother in law as well who also had spend time with us.He took us to klcc park..pavillion mall n few mre places:)so sweet of him:)!!!Then in KLg…i went out with my darling cousin sister who loves bugging my life for no reason.did i came up with my own facts?or is it actually i bug her life.Yea i guess the second one sound right..haha.Anyway i went and watch movie with my cousin brother and my lovely cousin sister at jusco.klg.gues wat movie?dostana?yeaaa…wat a funny movie it is laa..i laughed a lot from starting till d ending…hahaha..then afater that i watched sat sri akaal..this is truly a touching movie laa…gues what i did thid time?!gues laa…keep on guessing lol….well i CRIED!!!!!!!!!!!11i felt so sad for the hero.pity him..Such a cruel cousin he has….n now my next destination is cheras,KL…my 2nd drlg cousin sister place…mAreen.!!!!i love cheras..1st of course the people over thr…my aunty..unclle n cousins reali treat me superb well…i really appreciate them..and 2nd is the place …really nice environment…i went to the longest pasar malam in peninsular Malaysia.Yup the cheras pasar malam..i suggest those who loves eating to pay a visit to the pasar malam.it will be damn great lar..as u can enjoy yummy food over thr man..especially Chinese food..mind blowing!!!!!!!!!!!!then i bought a bag,an anklet,earing and a chain and it just cost me around rm10..cheap na…damn affordable lar..even the dresses over thr giler affordable…My cousin sister bought a beautiful dress which only cost her around Rm42.damn pretty dress la wei…i tell u guys out thr beta visit dat pasar malam lar..serious u guys will regret not visitin it..
Next trip(SunWAy LAgOoN)
Dis is where all those “havoc’ or “penge” thing came ..i tried swimming..penuh bersemangat …n miteh was floatin most of the time…she really enjoyed floating …she din wanted to come out from the pOol haha..and i was having terrible headache.yalar!5hours in da pool which idiot wont feel tired …and this cuzin sis of mine keep scoldin me sayin that “im not gona go aniwh…i wana float here..if u wana go..go ahead”!teruk punya case…just bcos she drove the car..she belagak….in ma heart”takpe2x..u buat i macam nie’u wait larrrr’!and on top of it i was starving ardy..din take my lunch yet that time…i took my lunch at 7.15pm.and gues what i ate..mcd burger..i wanted to eat rice,chicken curry and veg.but too bad i came with my Singapore relatives so had to follow their choice lolhmm nvrm lar ..once a while bertolak ansur wont make any diff na….
End of o8..wait 4 my o9 post..cya..bye2.