Masalah social semakin hari semakin mencengkam jiwa masyarakat .Ape yang telah terjadi kepada remaja kita hari ini?Most of them spend their time in nite clubs..doin thgs whch are certainly unbeneficial. wats wrg wif thm?wats wrg wif da society today?mengape remaja kita cenderung sungguh dgn gejala hedonisme barat?As a school student,sometimes I don’t feel safe in school.Thr are students who are soo aggressive and violence nowdays.This group of sudent don’t even respect teachers…the other day I saw a form 5 guy faught with my discipline teacher in front of the assembly.the matter was ..This form5 guy had long hair(which is obviously beyond the school rules)so my discipline sir took action upon him…(which is to get his hair cut on da spot)Tht guy suddenly got so pissed off n he pull my sir’s shirt and start boxing him..I seriously went blank after watching the incident. I couldn’t believe tht a student can ever do that to a teacher.
Maybe this is all bcos of lack of religion knowledge(ketandusan agama dan iman) ..Thts is why remaja are not scared to do anythg tht they feel tempt to do so.they aint know wat is right and wats not..I strongly believe that if parents have played their part/role properly. Thn children wont be into all this gejala2 thg..
Parts n rolez a parents shld do in my opinion;
1st)give thm enough of love(dnt give thm face bcos if u do so thy will end up being a spoil brat)
2nd) teach thm abt religion(if can take thm to temple often)
3rd)always keep an eye on their whereabouts
4th)dnt jump into a conclusion whn u see thm doing sumthg wrg(discuss is better thn scoldin)
5th)dnt always say ‘Yes’ to their demands(
sO secara konklusinya..kebanyakan remaja kita are enjoyin their life to da max…thy are nt thinkin abt their country nor their future..the only thg thy noe is to b an alcoholic person….smoke…act to be cool(wich actuali show hw dump thy are)go clubbing….create social problemz…and come up wif stupid ideas(wich end up screwing their own life)sOOoooo a prompt action MUST be taken against thm..We the teenagers who haf brains(which is certainly in a functioning order shld try to do sumthg to our fellow frens out thr….they badly need our help!!!!!
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